Hey! My name is Alenka Tercic and I’m thrilled that you stopped by.
I help women in their midlife to (re)discover themselves, their vision and purpose during their transition into a new stage of life so that they can have the freedom and fulfillment they desire.
When we hit 40s or 50s, we start questioning our choices. We are ashamed because we are not where we were supposed to be (or we think where we should be). We feel bad and guilty if we do something only for ourselves. We often fear that we are too old to do something, to start anew, to change direction…
I totally get it, I’ve been there. I’ve lived most of my life as prescribed by my parents and society…
…study hard, get a job, find a husband, buy home, have kids…
At around 40 I realized that I’m not really living my life. I woke up to a job that I hated, with the boss that yelled at me, with more than a few pounds too much and just enough money to get by. The kids were fighting all the time and I was an easy target, snapping and yelling on them. They were disrespectful, they didn’t do their homework and I was angry and frustrated.
One day I decided to get my life back. I read books, I attended seminars, I studied hard (the one thing I really knew how to do it) and I was searching and digging.
Slowly the changes began to show. And it all began when I started to change and when I started to listen to ME. It took me another 10 years to finally and unconditionally love and accept myself, to be proud of the lessons and trials I went through and to embrace my power and wisdom.
I finally became ME. And I love my life.
You too can go from overworked, overwhelmed, stressed-out to being calm, positive and happy. When you change, life will change – to the better.
Want to know even more about me?
I was raised with a typical »study hard to get a good job« attitude. I am sure my parents wanted all the best for me, as they were the war kids and they got their share of hunger and suffering.
I managed to get through my student years pretty smoothly, but after I graduated I found myself at the unemployment office. Those were years of political and economic transitions, end of Yugoslavia and the establishment of new country. Many companies that worked for the Yugoslav market lost customers and I got my first job at the consulting firm that helped those companies. I guess what attracted me was the idea of helping people not to lose their jobs, to motivate them to try harder and to keep the faith despite heavy circumstances.
At this time I earned my MBA from the Clemson University, South Carolina, USA.
I stayed in the consulting business for more than decade, but when my own kids went to school I wanted to be there for them and I accepted steady 9-5 job as a CFO and controller. But steady job meant boring too and I was really missing the interaction with the people.
In my free time I was constantly reading and learning all kind of self-help and self-improvement books to be a better partner, mother and friend. I was rediscovering my buried passion for kids and was constantly searching for ways to help children and parents to get the most out of their lives.
After reorganization of the company I found myself unemployed again, but this time determined to follow my dreams and to change my passion into my vocation.

I taught people about the universal laws, mindset and visions at the workshops, seminars, coaching sessions and through my blog website The Best Children Lessons and Dream Life Creation. I was a host of Sparkling Kids Interviews, and later Coffee Chats with Dream Life Creators, weekly shows featuring experts, coaches and other interesting people that inspire and motivate.
I earned my Life-Coaching Diploma at the Advanced Life Coaching Institute. I am a Certified Vision Board Counselor and an Accredited Vision Card Reader.
I was awarded with the 2012 Vision Board Coach of the Year by the Vision Board Institute.
I live in Ljubljana (Slovenia) with husband and our two almost adult daughters and a dog. In my free time I like gardening, exercising, swimming and skiing and am always on the search for the good book. I enjoy travelling and meeting new people.